Aerie Saunders

Aerie Saunders is a 26 year old adult content creator and live webcam streamer. She's been active in the adult industry since 2015 where she got her fresh start only days after her 18th birthday. During her time within the industry she's become quite the expert - leading her to headlining many model oriented projects in the realm of education for independent adult performers as well as affordable budget friendly website design services. 

When she isn't working you can typically find Saunders snuggled up with her 5 dogs, enjoying the great outdoors with her flock of feathered buddies, or writing poetry. She is also a huge foodie and loves anything spicy - which definitely contributes to the BBW body that her fans love. She also enjoys watching anime, listening to music, and planning fun projects around the house. 

Aerie has been nominated for quite a few awards; so if you didn't believe she was cool already then you should check out what she's been nominated for!

Best Clip Artist of the Year in the AltPorn Awards (2019 & 2020)

Best Adult Industry Podcast in the ASN Lifestyle Magazine Awards

Domme of the Year in the 2017 MV Awards

Miss Congeniality of the Year in the 2020 MV Awards

Live Show Props of the Year in the 2019 MV Community Awards